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Phatt Healthy Living Diet Plan

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    Welcome to our Weight Loss Program

    The PH@TT program has been specially designed to balance your hormones during the detox phase to actually teach your body to lose weight. We rest and repair the gut by mono-eating during this phase, the low calorie intake is sustainable because we support your body with the best nutrition on the market.

Fast Result

If you are looking to loss weight in a healthy way this program is for you, and it can be done over again if you have more weight to lose.

Helps Many

This program also helps both Vegetarians and non Vegetarians as well. You can opt for any of these meal plan.

No Shake

There are no shakes, it's real food — protein & vegetables.


We offer support by way of an online group, and an individual mentor to help you stay on track. No one does this program alone.

Seek medical advice if taking other medications, and before beginning the program, consult with your healthcare professional.

"Nutrition is extremely important for your body support right from the beginning"

3 important stages for successful weight loss

  • Step 1

    The First 3 Days

    During this step you begin your health journey by eating from a list of approved foods and starting your nutrition. There is no need to calorie count for these 3 days. The focus of step 1 is to remove sugar and carbohydrates from your diet to heal your gut. Step 1 prepares your body for Step 2.

  • Step 2

    Fat Loss & Detox

    This step typically lasts for 27 days, however depending on how your body responds there is the option to extend Step 2 for an additional 10 days. This is the detox and weight loss step, and your meals will be calorie restricted. It is when your body will start to change as a result of burning fat. There is an easy to follow meal plan, and for anyone with dietary requirements a list of approved foods is also provided. The nutritional supplements are imperative during this step as they sustain your energy levels and curb your appetite (in addition to their other roles). As step 2 is low calorie, it must not be attempted without the nutritional support.

  • Step 3


    This step varies in length depending on how many rounds of the program you choose to do. It is a vital step in your journey – this is where we teach the body to keep the weight off. This is the final link in the chain where the gut is fully healed. There are some additional nutritional products, we re-introduce additional food groups back into your diet, and increase the calories per day to begin to teach you how to live healthily for the rest of your life.

    The Maintenance phase is designed to keep you at your current weight and to keep your hormones in balance This phase will normally last 21 days... but is designed to teach you how to sustain a healthy lifestyle!

...and if you want to lose more weight you simply go back to step 1 and repeat!

There are 3 types of fat in the body

The goal is to release the right kind

Structural Fat

Normal Fat

Abnormal Fat

The first type is the structural fat which fills the gaps between various organs. It has important functions such as bedding the kidneys in soft elastic tissue, protecting the coronary arteries and keeping the skin smooth and taut.

The second type is the normal fat.

Both these types of fat, structural and normal reserves, are essential, and even if the body stocks them to capacity this can never be called obesity.

However there is a third type of fat which is entirely abnormal fat correct word Adipose. This is the fat that we lose during the PH@TT program.

Throughout the detoxification process that takes place it is also vital to support the bowel and liver. We achieve this through the nutrition we use.

Important Program Highlights

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    500 calorie

    The 500 calorie limit must always be maintained during Step 2.

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    The Other Benefits

    Many people following this program have discovered that their blood sugar and blood pressure levels return to normal range, their moods and sleep improve, sugar and carbohydrate cravings disappear, and their triglyceride and cholesterol levels normalise.

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    Water Intake

    One of the key factors along with many others that will determine your success on this program is consuming adequate levels of water. It is imperative that you sip 3 litres of water daily to not only assist with the detoxification process but to assist with suppressing your appetite, and the chemical breakdown of fat stores. Herbal Teas (not fruit teas) are acceptable.

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    It is important to consume your dinner 2 hours prior to going to bed to allow adequate time for digestion. This will ensure you don't weight in heavier in the morning.

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    If you are not one to exercise normally it is not recommended you start when doing this low calorie program. If you already have an exercise regime it is recommended you do not do any more than normal.

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    Source of Protein

    Chicken and fish will be your primary sources for protein however you may have limited amounts of lean red meat while on the program. Make sure your meats weight 100 grams pre-cooked. Make sure to drain all grease from cooked meats.

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    Whilst on the program a plateau (a few days of no weight loss) may occur during Step 2. In this case an "Apple Day" is suggested, where you can consume a large green apple whenever you feel hungry. Six large apples are the maximum allowed during an apple day, no other food or liquids, except plain water (1 litre) are allowed. Continue with nutrition. Please consult your mentor before doing an Apple day.

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    Steak Day

    Eat nothing for breakfast except your nutritional support and no eating for lunch and have a large steak and apple, or steak and tomato for dinner that night. Drink enough water to quench your thirst for the day.

Why do we mono eat???

Mono eating means one protein and one vegetable per meal. The reason is to take the pressure off your digestion and rest your gut so that it will be able to repair the villae in the small intestine, and thus increase surface area for absorption of nutrients into your system.


Phatt Healthy Living Diet Plan
